“For this child (these children) I have prayed….”

And prayed and prayed! I can’t believe it’s November…..and I REALLY can’t believe that I’m almost 26 weeks pregnant! Time is truly flying by. I know the saying “Time flies when you’re having fun” and I am living proof that it’s true.

I love being pregnant. I know that sounds crazy – but I have been extremely lucky! I have felt fantastic the entire time and pray that I continue to feel great! All of my numbers have been great every time (which has been A LOT) we go to the Dr. I have 2 extremely active boys 🙂 They are moving all around. They are already developing a love for music. It’s so fun to sit back and watch them kick and kick and kick to music – the drum solos are their favorite by far! 🙂 It’s still sinking in that we are having 2 boys…..Justin and I couldn’t be more excited!!!

We decided to name them Jordan Thomas and Tyler Kevin. Lots of people have asked if they were intentionally named after Michael Jordan and Tyler Hansborough. WELLLLL not quite 🙂 Jordan is from Michael Jordan and we have loved that name for a girl or a boy since we got married. Tyler is also a name we have loved for a long time and decided that they sounded great together. After we FINALLY decided what their first names were going to be, I started laughing one night. I realized the UNC connection and just laughed. It works for us and we love it! 🙂 Now the middle names were a little tougher. Thomas is my Papa’s (My Mom’s Dad) middle name and also Justin’s grandfather’s name. My Papa was so special to me. I never knew my Mom’s Mom and Papa tried his best to make up for that. He loved me and spoiled me and I always knew how special I was to him. Kevin Humphries was a childhood friend of Justin’s and once Justin and I started dating, became a friend of mine. Justin was in Kevin and Kristen’s wedding and then Kevin was in ours. He passed away a few years ago unexpectedly from a stroke. Justin and I from that moment always talked about using Kevin as a name one day for our boys in honor of Kevin. He was such a fantastic person and a great friend, and we knew wanted to use his name with one of our boys. We called and spoke to Kristen (his wife) and got her blessing and knew it was the right thing to do. Personally, I think we have the best names around….they fit our boys perfect!

I had my first baby shower in Hickory this past weekend. When you give my wonderful Mama a theme – she realllllllly runs with it 🙂 Her and my aunt Barbara threw a fantastic baseball “twins” shower. Everything was absouletly perfect!! I know that I pray for these boys every day – but what I truly didn’t realize was how many other people prayed for them every day as well. It was humbling to see how many people came out to shower the boys with love and gifts. Thank you SO much to everyone that made it. People traveled across North Carolina to be there for us and it meant the world to me. We are so lucky to have so many people who love us and pray for us. Jordan and Tyler are 2 of the luckiest little boys, and spoiled already 🙂 and they haven’t even made their grand entrance yet.

Speaking of people who’ve prayed…..Thank you. I know several of you keep us in your prayers on a daily basis. People are reaching out to check on me, the boys and Justin on a regular basis. I have several friends who have twins and they have each reached out to check on me at different points in my pregnancy. And it’s always been at a time when I really needed someone the most. The reassurance they provide me is just amazing. I’m grateful to Facebook for me to be able to keep in contact with these amazing Mom’s and to have them as a resource for now and moving forward. 🙂

We saw the High Risk Dr several times for Baby B. She was never concerned about him or his growth and after several visits the boys cooperated enough for her to see everything she needed/wanted to see. I went in to see my OB last Friday and they did an ultrasound. Baby A weighed 1 lb 13 oz and Baby B weighed 1 lb 5 oz. While that doesn’t seem like a big difference, it’s more than the 20% they want. So now I am going to the Dr for an ultrasound every week to watch Baby B’s growth. My Dr reassured me that she isn’t overly concerned, she just wants to watch him. But my worry and fear tried to kick in. I know these babies are in God’s hands. And they have been from the beginning and will be forever….I have a peace that Baby B is going to be ok. I just have a Dr who wants to go above and beyond to make sure we’re ok 🙂

I can’t tell you how many times I used to cry and get so upset when we were trying to get pregnant about having children later than everyone else. When you’re going through infertility you feel as if everyone around you is pregnant and you’re going to be the last one to get there….if you ever get there. I used to get SO upset thinking our children wouldn’t have any of our friends children to grow up with because they would all be done by the time we got started. BOY was I wrong 🙂 There are going to be SEVERAL babies born within the next few months. A friend had a precious little boy in October, and then there are 5 of us due within 8 weeks of each other during the first of the year. 7 babies – 7 that will be within 6 months of our boys!! And I used to cry about the boys not having friends. Now that just makes me laugh. God totally has a sense of humor! I couldn’t be more thrilled and excited for all of my friends that are having babies!!!! My sister-in-law is one of them and recently found out she is having a BOY too!!! 🙂 SO there are going to be 3 Garland boys due within a month of each other. PRAY FOR OUR SANITY!! haha! I’m SO excited for our boys to have the opporunity to grow up with not only all of our great friends’ children but with their cousin as well. God is SO good! He knew my prayers and concerns LONG before I did and had a plan the whole time!

Sorry for such the long post! We have been super busy getting the nursery ready and enjoying being pregnant and getting as MUCH sleep as humanly possible 🙂 We continue to pray for these boys and it brings me great peace knowing you will too! Pray for them to stay in and grow for MANY weeks to come! I know we are going to have perfect little boys when the time is right! And God has the perfect time 🙂 So for now we will continue to pray 🙂

One thought on ““For this child (these children) I have prayed….”

  1. God’s timing is impeccable. You know how excited and happy we are about these boys! I can’t wait to see you as a mom, you’re going to be phenomenal! Love you very much!

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